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Below are the current promotions that our customers find continuous value and savings in.  


To take advantage of these promotions, please contact us for more information.

$100 Tray Rate Promo.jpg

Why $100 per tray on instrument repair and sharpening?

Because for too long, companies have gotten away with taking advantage of customers having to have instrument maintenance.  They often just name their price and claim that they are the best.   "You get what you pay for" isn't always true when it comes to repair services.  Especially when a company is only as good as the person doing the work.  For far too long, hospitals have only had a couple expensive options for instrument maintenance, and we are here to change that.  


Sound too good to be true? 

Well, it is good and it is true!  With 10+ years of experience in the industry, we guarantee expert level repairs, no corner cutting, a visit cadence that fits your inventory, and for a price that gives you room in your budgets for other things.  


"There has to be a catch!?"

No catch.  No gimmicks.  No nickel and dimming.  Just the right people doing good work for customers that aren't used to down home customer service.  We may even throw in additional services at no cost to prove it to you.

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